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May 13, 1991

Retreat and Mug manager Helen Huber announced plans for her “all-campus wedding” to Vassar buildings and grounds employee Bucky Northrup, to be held in the Chapel and followed by a reception in the Villard Room. “There’s an electricity students have about life and people in general that fascinates me. Society needs that type of energy, and students have it,” Huber explained, “I am happy with students, so I wanted them at my wedding.” Fliers posted in buildings and a large sign in the College Center invited the whole campus to the events.

Huber gave students full responsibility of coordinating entertainment for the wedding. “Not knowing adds an element of surprise that fascinates me,” Huber said. The entertainment included songs by the Vassar College Gospel Choir, Measure 4 Measure and several students from the class of ’91, plus an original Jamaican ballad.

The Miscellany News

The Years