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September 16, 1988

Students participated in First Step ’88, a weekend program designed to engage the campus in community service. On Friday, students performed volunteer jobs in the community, such as cleaning up litter or painting a soup kitchen. Friday also featured a clothing drive at the Mug and a benefit concert at the Aula—at which the Raymond Avenue Ramblers and Betty and the Baby Boomers performed. The Ramblers were a Vassar faculty/staff/student group and the Boomers, a group from Dutchess County, consisted of Betty Boomer, Jean Valla McAvoy, Paul Rubeo and Steve Stanne.

First Step ’88 continued with a 36-hour Hunger Action Ultimate Frisbee Marathon, performances by campus bands, movie screenings, a campus party and all-campus meals on Saturday and Sunday. The goal was to raise $10,000 to combat homelessness and hunger.

The Years