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February 19, 1988

Philaletheis presented “What I Need is a Good Bonk on the Head” and “The View from the River Styx”, two one-act plays written by Adam Langer ’88, in the Aula. Langer directed “The View from the River Styx,” in which the Devil goes to college, and Laura VonEschen ’90 directed “What I Need is a Good Bonk on the Head,” in which the characters rebel against their playwright.

Langer produced What I Need is a Good Bonk on the Head in Chicago in 1989 at the Shattered Globe Theater at Sheffield’s School Street Café. On his web site he recalled the play: “A playwright’s characters come to life and write him out of their play. I starred in this show when I was at Vassar and still cringed the last time I saw myself on the videotape.”

The Years