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February 20, 1987

In a Philaletheis production in the Aula, Michele Gibson ‘89, assisted by Joseph DeFilippis ‘89, directed Working (1978), an adaption of Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do (1974), an oral history by the American historian, broadcaster and popular chronicler Studs Terkel. Reviewing the production in The Miscellany News, Laura Ann Von Eschen ’90, praised the “rather large cast, approximately 28 people,” singling out the performances of Jillian C. Hamilton ’87, “who portrayed a cleaning woman and belted out a song in Act II which amazed the audience” and Robert L. Smith ’90, “who sang ‘Lovin’ Al’ with more gusto than is often seen in young performers.” Michele Gibson told Von Eschen, “I was glad for the opportunity and support that the campus gave me. I feel I’ve gained more experience not only in organizing and directing shows, but also in working with people.”

The Miscellany News

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