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November 4, 1982

Philaletheis presented Arthur Miller’s seriocomic examination of humanity’s beginning, The Creation of the World and Other Business (1972). Director Jonathan Tenney ‘84 added both music and dance, the latter choreographed by Lorellen Green ’86, to Miller’s fantasy, intending, wrote Catherine Lee ’83 in The Miscellany News, “to present, through the use of many elements of the theatre, an examiination of the many facets of human nature and the relation of human nature to the dynamics of nuclear arms issues.” The production, she said, “conveys with evocative vividness the complexity of the human situation now and in the beginning…. The mixture of frustration, pride, laughter, tenderness, jealousy and truth confuse as much as they illuminate the audience. The ending is therefore desperate or hopeful in different degrees in each member of the audience. Whether or not you laugh or cry more or become involved in the story or its characters, you will leave the theatre with your thoughts stimulated in many directions.”

The Miscellany News

The Years