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November 13, 1981

Vassar’s squash community inaugurated four new glass-walled courts in Kenyon Hall with a “Squash Extravaganza,” featuring a women’s “Can-Am Invitational,” exhibition matches by ranked professionals and faculty/alum vs. varsity play. “Just hours after the wet paint signs and wooden sawhorses had been removed,” wrote Pamela Thompson ’82 in The Miscellany News, women’s teams from York, Queens, and McGill joined the Vassar, Hamilton and Dartmouth players in a round-robin tournament on the new courts. Losing to York in the final round, the Brewers came in third, after York and Queens, with Dartmouth, McGill and Hamilton rounding out the results.

“However,” Thompson reported, “the extravaganze did not end with the presentation of the trophy. Vassar coach Peter Talbert, who is ranked second in the New York City citcuit and 35th in the world, proceeded to lead the special exhibitions by other nationally and internationally ranked players, which included Rob Dinerman, Laurence Franklin, Nancy Gengler and Wendy Lawrence.” The event concluded with matches in which alumnae/i and faculty members challenged players form the men’s and women’s varsity teams.

The Years