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October 30, 1981

Visiting Lecturer in English Lucinda Franks ‘68’s Contemporary Press class visited The New York Times, where Ms. Franks was a staff writer. Touring the newsroom (twice), the culture section “(referred to as ‘Culture Gulch’ by the guide),” reported Bonnie Stollowitz ’84 in The Miscellany News, the sports and science areas and WQRZ, the newspaper’s classical music station, the class also met with Deputy Managing Editor Arthur Gelb and Executive Editor Abe Rosenthal. “Gelb emphasized the ‘accuracy, fairness and completeness’ which has always and will continue to characterize the paper’s image. ‘There is no paper as good as the Times, noted Gelb, in answer to a student’s question. ‘If there were, I wouldn’t be working here,’ he added.”

The Years