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October 20, 1980

WVKR presented the first in a series of 13 half-hour programs produced by WGBH-Boston and distributed by the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE), called Shadows of the Nuclear Age: American Culture and the Bomb. In episodes with such titles as “Seven Hours to Midnight,” “Hiroshima and Megatons,” “Economy of the Arms Race” and “Ethics and Options for a Threatened Planet,” the series was broadcast by some 500 stations nationwide.

Writing in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in 1981, the publication’s film editor, Professor of Physics John Dowling, said, “This series is valuable because it brings together many diverse views and opinions on what was and should be done…. I gave all the tapes a serious ‘listen,’ but the second time through I graded papers, sawed wood and played them in the car—and picked up points I missed the first time. Use them as background in any course on arms control and let the students play them wherever they will. They are very, very good.”

The Years