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April 18, 1974

Native American anthropologist Dr. Alfonso Ortiz from Princeton University lectured on “Native American Visions of Life” and led discussions on “Structural Principles of Dual Organization” and on “The Anglo-American Problem,” concluding a series of events over the previous two months focused on Native Americans. Jointly sponsored by the anthropology department and the multidisciplinary Changing American Culture program, the series began on February 1 with the showing and discussion of films on the history of Anglo-Indian conflicts, which was followed on February 21 by a showing of “And the Meek Shall Inherit the Earth,” a film made by the Menonimee people of Wisconsin about legal aspects of Native American life, particularly the modern ambiguities of the reservation system. Joan Harte, a Menominee leader and co-founder of Determination of Rights and Unity for Menominee Shareholders (DRUMS), introduced the film and led a discussion of the issues it raised. On March 13, films and discussions contrasted contemporary aboriginal lifestyles with popular conceptions of Native Americans, and a dinner of Native American food was served.

The president of the Association on American Indian Affairs from 1973 until 1988, Dr. Ortiz was awarded a Guggenhiem Fellowship in 1975, and he became a MacArthur Fellow in 1982.

The Years