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January 8, 1960

Pablo Picasso’s “Girl with a Mandolin (Fanny Tellier)” (1910) was among the 19 20th century paintings from the collection of Governor Nelson Rockefeller displayed in Taylor Hall. In an appreciation of the painting in The Miscellany News, Geraldine Dunphy ’60 observed, “Without the ‘Girl with a Mandolin,’ Picasso’s [later] portraits of Dora Maar, for example…are inconceivable. The richer and more complex image of synthetic cubism with its more relaxed arrangement of forms, its curvilinear elements and its powerful enrichment of color is the product of the new pictorial concept first explored by analytical cubism”

The paintings on display included examples of the Fauves and early Cubists and were chosen for the advanced course in modern painting.

The Years