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November 21, 1955

Mrs. Barbara Grant Nnoka, educational consultant to the Prime Minister of East Nigeria, lectured on “Nigeria in Transition.” At a press conference, Mrs. Nnoka told The Vassar Chronicle that the “period for dilly-dallying is over; Nigeria will have self-government soon,” adding that the British, despite having ruled the country since 1885, “realize that their control is limited. Since 1945 progressive steps have been taken toward autonomy in government.” And, asked about racial problems, she replied, “There are no problems because there are no relationships between the races. Segregation is social, not legal, and is enforced by custom.”

An American and a 1943 graduate of Colby College, Mrs. Nnoka first went to Nigeria in 1954 by appointment of the British Colonial Government. She remained in the country teaching and advocating for women’s health programs and education for six years after the country’s independence was achieved in 1960.

The Years