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February 26, 1937

The Experimental Theatre presented the American première of the satire on war and dictatorships, No More Peace, by German expressionist playwright Ernst Toller, with lyrics adapted by W.H. Auden:

“Are you living in the city all you dreary little life,

In a dreary little office, with a dreary wife?

I will give you flags and banners and processions and a band;

You shall march in step together, you shall feel just grand.”

“I will give you friends to die for, I will give you foes to kill,

I will give you back your honor and your unity of will,

The old heroic virtues and the large triumphal hour,

I will give you back the kingdom and the glory and the power.”

Earlier in the year Toller had lectured on “The Theatre in a Changing World” and had promised the première to Vassar.

The Years