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February 7, 1924

Beyond Vassar

At memorial services at St. Paul’s Church, Poughkeepsie, for President Woodrow Wilson, who had died on February 3, President MacCracken said, “Wilson exalted us and it was too much for us to bear. We fell away and reverted to our old selves, for our world is so constituted that it cannot support moral determinists, but the end is not yet. Wilson has passed on, but something of his moral power is left in men’s hearts and stirs them to new power under God.”

Wilson had supported MacCracken in his founding of the American Junior Red Cross, and MacCracken recalled sitting with his wife across the banquet table in 1916 when Wilson endorsed the League to Enforce Peace “the most historic moment of our lives.”

The New York Times, Elizabeth Adams Daniels, Bridges to the World: Henry Noble MacCracken and Vassar College

The Years