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January 28, 1923

President MacCracken returned, aboard the Empress of Scotland, from his study of education in the new central European republics.  Having visited and spoken at 18 universities in 15 countries, his most powerful impression was of the desire of young people abroad for education.  “Everywhere in Europe,” he said, “new colleges and universities are being erected, as the existing institutions of learning are crowded to the limit of their capacity.  All these peoples are desirous of learning more about America and our system of education.”

The New York Times

Returning to the college, MacCracken praised Yale Professor of English and Vassar trustee George Henry Nettleton, who had served as acting-president during his absence.  “Dr. Nettleton’s great interest in both the life and organization of students was an important factor in the carrying forward and realization of a number of valuable projects.”

President’s Report, 1922/23

The Years